Author Archives: BlogMaster

The Meaning and Significance of the Holy Grail

Do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this book, for the time is near. Let him who does wrong still do wrong; let him who is filthy still be filthy; let him who does right still do … Continue reading

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The True Holy Grail

For indeed, Jews ask for signs and Greeks search for wisdom; but we preach Christ crucified, to Jews a stumbling block and to Gentiles foolishness. But to those who are the called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ is the power … Continue reading

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The Star Gospel

The only true superhero: Jesus Christ!~ Willie Aames

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How this novel series came to be written

Have you ever wanted to write a novel? Here is how I came to write this one…

Posted in BookOne, BookTwo | 18 Comments

Fact or Fiction – Mary Magdalene for Unholy Grail

Mary Magdalene

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Fact or Fiction – Judas Iscariot for Unholy Grail

Judas Iscariot

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Historical Dossiers for Unholy Grail

The Unholy Grail novel series spans history from Biblical times to the present. The following dossiers are provided in order to gain a better appreciation for the historical background of the novels.

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The School of Power for Unholy Grail

The following are notes from the School of Power lectures in Book Two of the series. They were given by Dr. Quigley at L’Ecole Politique:

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Character Research for Unholy Grail

This article is a summary of research conducted into various characters in the Unholy Grail novel series.

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Selected Bibliography for Unholy Grail

The following link shows a partial bibliography of books and resources related to the Unholy Grail novel series, and which were used in the course of writing the books:

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Music for Unholy Grail

This is a short list of links to powerful worship songs for entering the presence of God, along with a list of songs mentioned in the Unholy Grail novel series.

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