Books Advanced Search New Releases Amazon Charts Best Sellers foibles, hang-ups, hurts that shaped them. They are people, even acquaintances to me now, not just characters on the stage of the gospel times. I did not read the DaVinci code but saw the movie quite a while after I read Unholy Grail. Having already solidified my own perceptions of the historically related facts, I was, to say the least, unimpressed by DaVinci Code. The research undertaken by the author of Unholy Grail into the occult, religious and cultural views of the time are a tremendous asset to this story. While some of the scenes were somewhat more graphic than I expected them to be, none of it was gratuitous in its purpose and presentation. I would recommend this book to any mature person who enjoys historical fiction or gospel related reading. Good luck with the book Rick. – Cathy
Came to your blog through Stumbleupon. You know I am subscribing to your feed.
Hey, that post leaves me feeling fooilsh. Kudos to you!
I thought finding this would be so arduous but its a brzeee!
Keep these articles coming as they’ve opeend many new doors for me.
nice post. thanks.
Now thats sbtule! Great to hear from you.
Thanks for an idea, you sparked at thought from a angle I hadn’t given thoguht to yet. Now lets see if I can do something with it.
What “jumps in assumptions” are you referring to?
Wow! Great thiknnig! JK
Kewl you sohlud come up with that. Excellent!
It’s spooky how cleevr some ppl are. Thanks!
Youre the one with the brains here. Im wathcing for your posts.
IMHO you’ve got the right awnesr!
Good job making it apeapr easy.
Such a deep asenwr! GD&RVVF
You have shed a ray of ssunhine into the forum. Thanks!
What is the issue?
Fantastic post. Some good points you mention in there.
Wow, that’s a really cveler way of thinking about it!
Holy shzniit, this is so cool thank you.
Books Advanced Search New Releases Amazon Charts Best Sellers foibles, hang-ups, hurts that shaped them. They are people, even acquaintances to me now, not just characters on the stage of the gospel times. I did not read the DaVinci code but saw the movie quite a while after I read Unholy Grail. Having already solidified my own perceptions of the historically related facts, I was, to say the least, unimpressed by DaVinci Code. The research undertaken by the author of Unholy Grail into the occult, religious and cultural views of the time are a tremendous asset to this story. While some of the scenes were somewhat more graphic than I expected them to be, none of it was gratuitous in its purpose and presentation. I would recommend this book to any mature person who enjoys historical fiction or gospel related reading. Good luck with the book Rick. – Cathy